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12 x 12 digital | materials software (Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.0) + September 2009 Bonus Paper Pack, Sweet Vintage Charm Frame (Crystal Wilkerson, jessicasprague.com) + vintage alphabet label (Elle’s Studio, jessicasprague.com) + ledger grid (Katie Pertiet, designerdigitals.com) + fonts (4990810, Milk & Cereal, Khmer UI, Penmanship Print)
A Note from Melissa
I have been a bookworm since I started to read at age four, but until the past couple of years, I would have avoided the books in my photo like the plague. Growing up, history was all about memorizing the facts for the test--and then promptly forgetting them upon leaving the room. But it has come alive for me as I’ve been home- schooling, accompanied by an interest in biographies and other non-fiction. Yay!
Reason #187 why I love teaching my kids: Non-textbooks that take us from the beginning of time and weave the stories of people and places in our world. After 40 years, I finally started enjoying history.
September Fun Fact
It took a while, but I recently broke a 25-year habit of double spacing after end punctuation. Thank you. Thank you very much.