> Decades (January 2015)

10 years | Lisa Borbély

10 years | Lisa Borbély

8.5 x 11 | materials patterned paper (Cocoa Daisy) + thickers (American Crafts) + font (Typewriter for me) + stamp (Becky Higgins)

A Note from Lisa
I am a kindergarten teacher and this month marks my 10th year teaching. When thinking of what to make for this months theme, this came to me.

I am about to start my 10th year as a kindergarten teacher. It is crazy how time flies! When I started I never thought I´d be at the same work place for this long, but since the groups change and even my co-workers come and go I have stayed. My courage has gone up and down, but in the end I know that I love my job. I hope there will be at least 10 more years!