> Eye on Design (October 2009)

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Baby Girl | Tina Cockburn

Baby Girl | Tina Cockburn

8.5 x 11 | materials chipboard heart (Heidi Swapp) + labels (7Gypsies, Creative Imaginations) + letter stickers (American Crafts) + flowers (Doodlebug Designs, Inc.) + rhinestone (Hero Arts)

A Note From Tina

In addition to oodles of white space, I also like to scrap smaller pictures. I usually print photos in 2 x 3 size because then I have the option of using multiple photos on a page (even though I only used the one photo on this page).

I'm also noticing that I usually place my title at the lower right corner of my photos. It just seems to be the best place for it, the place my eye naturally goes after looking at the photo. Is there some design term for why that is? Probably. All I know is that it works for me.
