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12 x12 | materials patterned paper (Adorn It, KI Memories, Sassafras Lass) + letter stickers (American Crafts) + font (Segoe print)
A Note From Wendy
This was a challenge for me indeed since I hardly have any photos without kids. After contemplating the topic I decided to do something near and dear to my heart: humor. I share a bit about why I love to laugh and what makes me laugh. The bright colors are inspired from the complete lack of sunshine in Utah right now.
I love to laugh, I really do, especially when life is trying to beat me up, drag me down, or just when life stinks. My sense of humor comes from my mother's side of the family and all of my siblings have similar humor. We laugh at arrogance, affluence, and success, because it makes dealing with life's injustices easier. All four of us deal with a strong sense of empathy for those in our world who suffer and endure extreme hardships, such as people in third world countries, children, or mistreated animals. Using humor to cope and release pent up emotion is a way of life for me and my siblings, and a trait that I value in others. With the emergence of humor blogs the material I find funny is immediately assessable and extremely prolific. And that is a good thing.
Favorite Funny Sites!
Oddly Specific
Cake Wrecks
Awkward Family Photos