WHOA! That was some give away day yesterday! If you missed yesterday's give away, remember to come back next Thursday for another fabulous give away!
Before we head away from the topic of mini albums, I wanted to share a little about how I store them. My mini albums have been homed in a number of places -- around the house standing up (this worked when there were just a few), on my bookshelf (this worked when they were all rectangular and flat), and in a drawer (this worked until I forgot where I'd put them). So these days my mini albums have been upgraded to a more prominent and most importantly, accessible spot.
I give you... the dining room table:
Those that know me well know that I'm not a huge fan of trinkets, so finding a spot for my mini albums where they would be visible, but not collecting dust, was a challenge. Because of the nature of these little books, they don't always stand up neatly, or fit together on a shelf without falling over. I decided, after searching through my containers and baskets that this pewter tray would hold them just right. I just pile them in there, mini album on top of mini album, in the center of my dining room table. Because they're contained in the tray, they don't overwhelm me. Best of all, they're visible enough that my family can actually enjoy them -- unlike when they were tucked in a drawer. The bigger mini albums (like the ones in the AC Modern Albums) are on a shelf with my regular scrapbooks.
If I can encourage you in one way today, I hope you'll make space for your mini albums where your kids and family can enjoy them. :)
Moving on...
So today we talk about scraps. Honestly, the Cosmo Cricket kit was so completely generous, that for today's post, I limited myself to using the scraps from the paper and materials I'd already used on the "I Love This About You" mini album from yesterday. Come back tomorrow for "Scraps: Part 2" where I'll post a layout (using the recipe) along with a super yummy homemade birthday gift your friends are sure to love.
Let's dive into today's projects! (Click on the photos to view larger)
Project #1: Girls' Night Invite
We all love hangin' out with our best girl friends! It just so happens that my favorite ladies don't all love to scrapbook and craft, which means most of our girls' nights are spent snacking, chatting and catching up on the latest Bachelorette gossip. :)
Here's what you'll need:
1 scrap cardstock - 8x6"
1 piece of white cardstock
1 scrap of super cute paper
1 digital frame -- I used these, by Kate Teague
Project #2: Girly Gift Enclosures
These are just fun to have around. This is a fun little project that takes only a few supplies and very little time. And yes, I know they're painfully simple. That's what makes them so fun!
Here's what you'll need:
1 piece of smooth white cardstock - 8.5x11"
This download -- Download Girly gift enclosures2
Fun little stickers like these ones by Cosmo Cricket
I was planning on sharing two more projects today, but I'll save them for tomorrow, including a layout and that delicious project I told you about on Monday which incorporates scrapbooking AND cooking. I promise your friends will love it, so please check back!
Finally, don't forget! All pages in the gallery that come out of this week's challenges (below) will be featured in tomorrow's post, and a random winner will be chosen to receive a little something in the mail from me just for participating.
In case you forgot, here are the challenges (take your pick!):
1)Create a single layout OR a complete mini album using the recipe used in the mini album above.
2) Create a single layout OR a complete mini album using the multi-photo template.
Upload your pages or albums to the gallery and be sure to work the words "recipe" in the title so I can find them.
Thanks for hanging with me this week, and THANKS again for all of your comments the other day. If you have any questions about today's post, be sure to leave it in the comments and I'll do my best to respond quickly.
Looking forward to seeing your work in the gallery!
And Happy Friday!