A Note From Jody
wrapped gifts by Jody Dent-Pruks
I love the look of matching presents under a tree, so every year I pick a theme, buy my paper and ribbon in bulk and get to work. Not only does it look neat, but it saves me time. I also put my punches to work to make my gift tags.
The plum pudding crowns the
Christmas lunch and is always the star of the show!
Plum pudding is traditionally English, and you know that we are all descendants of thieves and criminals who were sent to the new colony!!! So this is a tradition that has stuck here even though we celebrate Christmas in the heat.
There is much debate about recipes and there are 2 camps—boiled or steamed. In our family we straddle the debate; my mum steams, my mother-in-law boils. I have added a recipe for both (both recipes from "Super Food Ideas" a great monthly magazine here in Australia).
The pudding usually comes to the table flaming (alcohol and a match) for added drama and is served with custard (plain or brandy custard), or cream or ice-cream or, let's be honest... all of them because it is Christmas, LOL!
Back when I was a little girl, people would hide small silver coins in the pudding and if you found one you could exchange it for a real coin, say 20c. It was so exciting to find the coins (you were always very careful to not swallow them) and my grandparents would have a great laugh sneaking their coins on my sister's & my plates so we had a bigger haul. Of course like all good things this tradition has fallen out of favour because it was thought to be to dangerous. So most people don't do that anymore :(
How much do you want a piece of pudding right now? I know I do. Click images for easier readability!