First, thank you for stopping by on your final day of 2009! Secondly, it is clear that there are some board game lovers in the house, and that we obviously need a Boggle Challenge! Further, thank you for introducing me to Ticket to Ride and Carcassonne. I had never heard of either game and now look forward to playing them.
Congratulations on some industrious, some educational, and some a-ha moments in your 2009 scrapbooking lives! It was great to read your stories and to see how you have grown and to better understand all that you have accomplished!
On the morning of this new year, it seems many of us seek more perfect selves, and more patient selves. There are trials for some in their own lives, or in the lives of their family members. We wish you all diligence and patience in implementing your new years' resolutions and hope and comfort to those with great struggles ahead.
And lastly, we have a lucky number!
Congratulations goes out to Tammy who left this comment:
Thank you, Tammy, and all of you, for stopping by. Thank you, too, to Studio Calico, for your generosity in providing a whodunit kit for Tammy. We are in awe of the talent and ingenuity at Studio Calico and can't thank them enough for sponsoring this week's!
Tammy, please email us your contact information to writeclickscrapbook at gmail dot com before midnight Saturday! Thank you! Don't forget to check out our new January gallery!