Happy Friday!
I love summer like the next girl, but I have to admit it's nice to welcome the weekend as the kids are settling into school. Life feels organized and that's a good thing.
Last evening the teenage girls in my church group "adopted" grandmothers. We potted flowers with the girls and they anonymously delivered them to their grandmothers. The girls will do random acts of sweetness for them over the next six months until the grandmothers are invited to a dinner where the girls will meet them. Love that!
Anyway, for part of the craft, I made some sweet little plant toppers to go with their gifts. It reminded me of my cupcake topper mania a few months ago and I figured I'd just better share that with y'all!
p.s. I.cannot.believe. I just typed y'all. For the record, I have only lived in Oklahoma for thirteen months. :)
Without further ado, here are the happy plant toppers:
And here are the birthday toppers I made a few months ago...
And here are the thematic cub scout toppers I made a bit before that.
Now after this you would think I would be all cupcaked out.
Nope. I will forge on with my cupcaking endeavors. Plus I'll show you how to make the toppers!
Here are some little designs to get you started...
To create your own cupcake toppers:
1 - Download the Happy Birthday toppers HERE.
Download the Thank You toppers HERE.
2 - Print your page onto white card stock.
Make sure you print out TWO pages. The toppers are two-sided. That's part of their charm :).
3 - Punch each image with an appropriate sized circle punch.
4 - Using scotch tape, adhere a toothpick or a bamboo skewer to half of the circles.
5 - To the circles you have taped to sticks, attach two small pieces of dimensional adhesive - I used mounting tape. If you are going to take a picture of this step, I would strongly recommend using a model who has just eaten a large blue ice cream cone and who is willing to move around a lot so the picture is blurry. :)
6 - Align the two circles for each topper back to back and adhere each pair together by removing the adhesive backs.
7 - Show off your cute toppers! :)
And now for the freebie part! Sadly, I must admit something about myself at this point. I am extremely frugal. Although someone once complimented me by calling it resourceful. :)
Either way, I love finding adorable fonts and digital goodies online and enjoy it even more when a freebie becomes a favorite. One of my freebie favorites was used to make the toppers above.
Click HERE to download it.
(Note that for some strange reason, this font is italicized. If you want the flowers to appear normal, you must shift before each letter. Not sure why they designed it that way, but we'll forgive them as it's a cute free font.)
See to you tomorrow! :)