I don’t know about you, but I have a zillion layouts of my kids in their costumes, getting ready to trick or treat or to go to a Halloween carnival. What to do when Halloween scrapping gets a little too repetitive? Try a little twist to add a new layer of interest while still recording the holiday. We’ve got several fun ideas for you to try with photos you take this Halloween.
Twist #1: After Halloween
What happens after the costumes have been worn and the candy has been collected? Does your family have a post-Halloween tradition for divvying up the candy? Does the Switch Witch visit your house? Last year, my son counted and graphed his and his sister's Halloween candy:
Twist #2: Unique Journaling Angle
How about telling the story from the point of view of the jack o’lantern? The candy bag? An apple getting dunked in caramel? Or, as Paula Gilarde did on this 15-photo layout here, try a fairy tale opening:
Twist #3: Banner Mini Album
Kelly Jeppson’s son’s birthday falls close to Halloween. She created this fun banner as a birthday decoration:
and then turned it into a mini album:
Even if you don’t celebrate a Halloween birthday at your house, you could try this idea if you’ve made a Halloween banner. When you take down the banner, add some photos and captions (see how Kelly wrote directly on her photos or matted them and added captions to the mat?), and pop it all on a binder ring for a quick and easy album.
Twist #4: Fake It
Yup, that’s right, fake Halloween. Did your little one miss trick-or-treating because he was sick? Did rain or snow get in the way of Halloween fun? If so, feel free to follow Francine Clouden’s lead and fake Halloween:
Twist #5: Cool Titles
Replace a shape in your title with a Halloween embellishment, like Jody Wenke did by using a tree instead of the letter "y":
Try using a pumpkin for the “o” in Halloween, a witch’s broom for an “l,” or a bat hanging upside-down for a “w.”
I’ve had a blast hosting Halloween week here at Write.Click.Scrapbook.! Here’s hoping we’ve inspired you to have fun creating this Halloween season!