Once again, it is hard to believe that another year has gone by. In an effort to slow down Father Time, we wanted to scrapbook some some timeless beauties. No, not Barbie. (Though that was a good guess as she never really does age, does she??) Rather, this month we try to slow down time by scrapbooking a favorite timeless and beautiful black and white photo.
Who can resist the charm, the simplicity, and the agelessness of the black and white. Such photos allow us the freedom to create your own emotion. Black and white photos transcend seasonal celebration, truly fading backgrounds into the background. Facial expressions take on an unique quality without the beguilng forces of color. And nowadays, black and white is just the touch of a button away.
Join us in celebrating some of our favorite black and white photos this month. And don't forget to find a moment to scrapbook one of your favorite black and whites as well! We hope you enjoy our January gallery, Black and White. Happy New Year!