Hi there! This is my very first hosting week here at Write. Click. Scrapbook. and I am so excited and nervous :) Anyway, here we go!
When I had picked out my week to host the blog I first decided on another topic, as I thought that would be easiest to me. But when I was going through my albums to find layouts to share, I noticed that I have quite a few layouts that are about me. Hm...I thought about it and decided on switching topics, so my week will be all about you! Because, honestly where are you in all of your family scrapbooks? I know many people that barely has one layout that describes the life that is lived by you, not you and your husband or kids, but just about you!
I am a person that thinks a lot about what other people might think or say, so my very first thought was gosh, do these many layouts make me egotistic? ! But then I said to myself that ok, I am egotistic if by that you mean that I want to record what kind of person I am for my daughter. Because I think it super important that she will be able to see who I was when I was younger, what I liked or what my quirks were. I know that many people lose themselves in the scrapbooking process, especially when the kids enter your life! But I am here to help you to add a bit of yourself to those precious albums!
First I just want to tell you about why I think that it is so important to scrapbook myself. I do it as a creative outlet, but mainly for my daughter. I myself, would love to know how my mother felt and thought when she was my age. What did she focus on and what brought her joy. I could ask her, but if her memory is anything like mine (and it is!) she´ll just remember the big events, and I firmly believe in recording small and everyday stuff!
I actually took parts of this post and used on my layout! I love that it is easy to use already written words to make a quick layout.
Our own Francine Clouden shares a page about her challenge to include herself in photos!
I also wanted to share a few layouts that are about you in different ways.
This one is about my nickname; Darling :) My sister used to sing me Oh my darling clementine when I was younger and it stuck. To this day all my family calls me Darling from grandmothers to brother-in-law :)
Amy Sorensen shares a page about her love of the outdoors.
Marnie Flores shares her quirks. Come on we all have them :)
I named my quirks layout, "I like it like that!"
Here our own Celeste Smith shares her hilarious food quirks!
Caroline Ikeij helps out sharing 12 things people should know about her!
Amy shares her toe knuckle talents :)
Ok, take some time to digest that you are actually going to be recorded :) and join me tomorrow when I give you some tips on how to get started!
Lisa ♥
ps. If this post sparks your creativity and you end up with a project, please share in the flickr group!