As a fan of consigment and thrift stores I love a good DIY project. Over the last few months I have tackled quite a few DIY home decor projects and learned some awesome techniques. One of my favorites has to be painting and glazing wood. I will share the sources where I learned how to do these techniques and share tips I have picked up along the way. But before we get carried away with altering you need to collect your frames.
This may be as simple as gathering frames from around your home. Either way I like to purchase frames that have the one or more of the following characteristics.
Rounded edges-works well when covering with fabric or paper
Shaped edges such as a scalloped edge as shown in the image above
Thick edges-great for dimensional objects
Finding shaped frames is more of a challenge when shopping at second hand stores. I do look for and purchase shaped frames when I run across them.
After you have gathered your frames spend some time cleaning and dusting them. I like to take the backs off before cleaning them. The tools I use to remove the back consist of a screwdriver and a good pair of nose pliers.Use caution and remember that you are working with glass and it can easily break. After your frames have been cleaned set them aside for later use.
As I said earlier my favorite technique for wood frames is to paint and glaze them. You can also cover with fabric or paper. Today I am going to show you how to paint and glaze your frames.
- using spray paint allows you to achieve a smooth finish
- sand lightly between coats
- avoid drips of spray paint by applying lightly
- always prime- it will save time and money in the long run!
- lightly sand frame
- prime, let dry, prime again (I LOVE KILZ spray paint primer- it sticks and covers quickly)
- apply paint- use as many coats as needed to achieve desired look
- if you are done- apply a coat of your favorite sealer, such as mod podge
- after paint is dry lightly sand frame, sand heavy in areas for a weathered look
- using your favorite glaze apply a thin coat making sure to get in all the nooks and crannies
- let set for a few minutes (the longer the darker the glaze)
- remove excess glaze with cloth
- continue on with rest of frame
- apply favorite sealer when frame is complete
- let dry 24 hours
My favorite sources for diy glazing and refinishing tutorials
come back tomorrow for Memories and Messages