Glad to have you back for my third and last day hosting for our Spring Training event. Tomorrow, you'll be greeted by another Write. Click. Scrapbook. team member that is also an Ella Publishing Friend, so please do drop in to have a peek!
{In the town where I went to college, there was a small restaurant called Dew Drop Inn and I loved that name!}
It's not a stretch for me to say that I take A LOT of photos. I'm not going to say too many because each and every one of them holds a memory for me. Of those photos, I get giddy when I'm able to snap a pic that captures the essence of my subject's expression, a love, a bond with another person.
For today's Spring Training exercises, members of our team are sharing Personality Pages -- layouts and photos that capture personality.
For those of you participating in the Spring Training 2011 event at Ella Publishing, you already know that from today through May 7th, one of four expert coaches will be have an exclusive video featuring coached training exercises {watch for 10 minutes, "exercise" for 10 minutes}. Today, you'll be coached by Kelly Willette in "getting the shot." I'm all about tips and suggestions for better photos, how about you?
PHOTOGRAPHY: Getting the Shot
Just like scrapbooking, sometimes "the perfect shot" is not the one that is perfectly composed, but rather the one that perfectly captures something. Let's look at a few "perfect shots" from some of our team.
When you think of a perfect beach photo, you might envision a peaceful smile, a golden glow of light from the setting sun. But look how Lisa's photo is perfect in how it perfectly captures one of her daughter's traits. Then Lisa makes effective use of font styles, sizes and colors to further complement her daughter's colorful personality.
Do you have a spouse or child that poses every.single.time. you try to take their picture? While sometimes it can be frustrating, why not go with it? After all, the picture with the pose will perfectly tell the story of their need to ham it up. Add some journaling that matches wits with the photos humor, and you have a perfect layout. Just like Celeste.
Perfect kids shots are rarely perfectly posed. While we love those, too, the ones that cause us to reflect later are more often the ones that help to remind us of the little things.
Says Donna, "This photo certainly captures his personality. Playing with a car while wearing his engineer's cap - backwards of course - with his tongue sticking out - of course! He is so playful and silly and just always on the go. He most definitely makes us laugh every day." This will definitely be a photo that is cherished as time goes by.
Emily reminds us here to not forget to capture the photos that help to explain our similarities or differences. Emily's photo is not just filled with personality, but also a personality trait she and her son share. Cute.
Have you ever looked at a photo and said, "That is vintage ___."? I know you know what I mean. This is another kind of photo perfection to me. Look at this sweet picture of my now 19-year old son Zach. This is truly Vintage Zach...not just the outfit, but also the look: this one always told me that he was proud and happy and content.
Don't forget to pop back to Ella Publishing to learn more tricks and tips from Kelly Willette! She is a master of the everyday photo and will help you look at your photos with a brand new eye. And because you have worked so hard, we have another reward for you...
What would a good workout be without a reward? You've worked hard to get the shot that counts and now you have photos to create a personality layout. Good for you! Wipe the sweat from your brow, take a deep breath or two, and head on over to the Ella store and drop this eBook in your cart.
Use the code PHOTOTRICKS for $1.00 off the EllaPublishing eBook 40 Top Tips for Better Photos by Rebecca Cooper. Code expires May 15, 2011.
Don't forget to participate in the challenges going on at Ella Publishing through May to be had and prizes to be don't have to be registered in the class to be eligible.
Thank you for joining me for our third day of cross(blog)-training! Have Fun and Scrap On!