Hi again, Jody here! I don’t know where you may live, but where I am from this past week we reached record high temperatures. I’m talking 108 degrees. Yes, 108! And wouldn’t you know that same day my central air conditioning stopped working in my house and the next day I went to work and the air conditioning was broken there as well. I work in a restaurant where the kitchen normally is make-up melting hot. This makes for a very unhappy Jody. So in honor of this heat wave that I just experienced I give you…
Christmas in July!
Now I am a procrastinator normally, so I really hadn’t scrapped any pages from this past year’s Christmas photos. (For the W.C.S. for the Holiday pages, I used the previous year’s photos) I dug out some older Christmas papers and embellishments and went to town.
My youngest daughter loves to make gingerbread houses and October Afternoon’s older but still adorable line “Very Merry” fit my photo to a tee!
Next up, I got a great shot of all three of my daughters opening their gifts on Christmas morning. What I love most about this photo is that fact that I didn’t crop it too tightly. I am notorious for taking close-up portraits of my girls but I am trying not to do that as much because it crops out little details of our life that we may not remember years from now. Like the decorations in the wall unit, the cotton ball Christmas tree that my youngest made in pre-school or the nutcracker that has been played with so much that it is missing a foot. I want to remember these details always.
It is embarrassing the amount of photos I take in front of our tree every year in hopes of getting the perfect picture. But one of my favorites last year was this one of my middle girl and her dog Sweetie. I added the mini alphas into the center sticker so I could title this page "Have Yourself A Furry Little Christmas" I like punny titles, it's my "thing" if you will ;)
I hope you enjoyed a little break from the heat, or a little Christmas inspiration in July.
Oh, and and if you were wondering, it's never too early to start shopping...there are only
days until Christmas! Ho Ho Ho!