Hello dear summer readers! I am back, wading through the boxes, cleaning supplies, and packing materials to bring you a (hopefully) fun day of decorating on the cheap. When I last left you, all of my possessions were sitting on a truck while we were waiting to close on our house. Five very long days later, we finally did. So I find myself in a position where many of you probably are. Busy, lots to do, tons of grand schemes and plans, yet a lack of time (and energy) to carry them through. After two weeks of being in the house I am nearly done unpacking boxes and ready to start enjoying some summer...and starting some of those big projects. First on my list, is Jack's room. This, is Jack...
(frames by Paislee Press, tape by Pugly Pixel)
Ahhhhhh, isn't he cute :) He is now six months old, army crawling, and beginning to sit up. Yes, must get this house unpacked very soon. In our old house, his room consisted of a corner of our bedroom. Here, he has his very own room. Yea! Perhaps he will start sleeping through the night! Fingers and toes are crossed. So his room is literally, a clean slate.
White walls, white floors (which we didn't paint but which I absolutely love)
Hand me down dresser from his brother and sister (with a handle that never actually got painted) and a (pink) hand me down radio from his sister (hey it works.)
A wall full of closets is great for storage, but not quite sure where to put his teeny tiny bookcase. Mmmmhhhh. Anyway, this is one of the ideas I had for his crib wall.
Ok, so no my example isn't perfect, but using the rectangle tool, the eye-dropper tool to pick colors from his bedding, and the eraser, now my hubs has an idea of what I was talking about with a stripey wall. I figure keep the rest white and go bold with this wall!
But, we still need some "art." Oh pinterest, how I love thee. I typed in "monsters" in the search bar and found lovely goodness.
Like this brilliant idea
Source: flickr.com via Marie on Pinterest
Although I am not really all that much of a painter, I think I could handle this.
Here is a great solution for above the changing table with all of the colorful shapes, yet will be perfectly safe for grabbing baby hands.
And then there is the oh so cute Sassafrass Monstrosity paper.
Which sadly seems to be sold out/discontinued so I am on the hunt for some. I am picturing a few of these monsters framed in some 5x5 frames.
In my searches I also found this adorable kit from Everyday Mom Ideas. What a sweet kit-oooo and looky. Another banner for me to fawn over. Goodness gracious do I love banners.
And with it, I made this for Jack's door.
(Germs font from dafont.com)
While I was pregnant with Jack, we all starting calling him Baby Bean, and the nickname has stuck. When I saw this sign at Starbucks during Christmas time, I sniffed hormonally at it, and knew I had to have one. So my dear Daddy went to his local Starbucks and simply asked for it.
Free art. I am thinking perhaps replacing the little snowy boy with a photo matted on foam core, but haven't quite made up my mind. Suggestions?
So there you have it. My ideas for Bean/Jack's room. I will keep you updated on the progress. Oh and as for 50 First Dates? Yeah, haven't started yet. But hopefully, soon. For heaven's sakes, I still haven't seen Harry Potter!