Erin here. Otherwise known as she-who-still-does-not-have-a-profile-picture, so I'm going with an oldie but goodie. I went through a phase where I posed like this for every picture taken. Which is actually a great idea for a scrapbook page. What phases did you go through? What phases have your children gone through? A particular pose when taking pictures, like me? A toy they carried everywhere? A certain food they had to eat? You could do a whole mini-album on various phases you, or your children, have gone through.
But wait! That's not why I'm here. Nope. That just came to me as I was putting up the picture. I'm actually here to talk about what to do with all the postcards you have.
I love postcards. When I go on vacation I have to pick some out to bring home. But not one or two, I end up with a dozen because I'm so indecisive and can't pick which I like best. Until now, my postcards have sat in various boxes. I've never known quite what to do with them.
So this summer I decided to finally use them. I picked one postcard from each trip and put together a mini-album that can grow with additional vacations.
I've chosen one picture from each vacation that represents that trip. This isn't meant to be a thorough explanation of what went on, rather a quick glance and memory trigger of my vacations. I attached each picture to the back of the corresponding postcard and then put them in chronological order. As I go to more places, I can add in more postcard pages. Also, as I find more postcards in other boxes, I can add those in, too.
I actually cheated a bit with this page. (And that is totally okay to do sometimes!) One of my very best friends from college (Hey Ash!) is from Florida. But not Destin. She's actually from Niceville. I couldn't find my postcard from there, but I had this one from Destin. Close enough! I'm using it!
I went to Fan Fair in Nashville in 1996. I think it's now called the CMA Music Fest or something like that. I picked out a general postcard (saving the more specific ones, like the Hall of Fame and Music Row, for a more in-depth album) and a picture of my friend Stephanie and I in the parking lot just before going on on the first day. I have a lot of pictures and postcards from this trip and, as I just mentioned, am planning on making a mini-album about just my Nashville trip. I will use the rest of my postcards as the base, and add in pages as needed to hold the pictures and memorbilia I have.
Here are the rest of my postcards waiting for pictures. Some of these are pre-digital camera, so I have to go through boxes of pictures to find the matching ones.
How have you used your postcards? If you've made any mini-albums or layouts using them, post them in our Flickr gallery. I'd love to see them!