Next week in the United States we will celebrate Teacher Appreciation week. I have a tremendous love and respect for teachers. I think teaching is a noble calling and those who follow their hearts into the world of our children are amazing. I can name all my teachers in order without hesitation or stopping. And even some of the student teachers I had over the years. These women and men changed me and changed my life. I know the same will be true for my children. And yours.
For me, Teacher Appreciation is a day, or week, when I can say thank you. For all they are. And all they do. A chance to express my gratitude for all they are and all they do.
That said, we live in an amazing school district that still has all the extras intact, so Teacher Appreciation week is a little bit crazy around here. My first grader has her homeroom teacher, an art teacher, a music teacher, two wellness coaches, and the librarian. My seventh grader has a different teacher for each subject, totalling eight. Which means I have fourteen gifts. On a budget. A few years ago I started giving A&W six packs. Not super original, I understand, but somewhat affordable. And who doesn't love A&W?
Here is the 2010 effort.
So while I realize it won't be original, this year, the root beer will be back. Besides, now it is tradition, don't you think?
If you would like to try this for your teachers, here is a sheet of tags you can download and trim! There is the teenage version for your child who is mortified and horrified and aghast that you are doing such a thing as bringing his teachers a treat, and then a more cutesy version for those children who don't have to feign such a tough exterior!! :)
You can download the cutesy version here and the teenage version here. Trim them, punch a hole in the top left hand corner, add a ribbon (orange organza for us!) and you are good to go!
Our second project comes from Kelly. Last year she was in charge of teacher appreciation week! Yikes! For their last day, her committee put together Teacher Treat Boxes. Using simple gable-fold boxes, they filled them with supplies that teachers love: post-it notes in cute paper covers...
..., pens, popcorn, cookies, glues sticks, hand sanitizer, etc. She found the tag online, and made a sticker to put on the front that thanked them from the PTA. Kelly assures me that it was a fairly simple project, aside from assembling everything, and the teachers loved getting things that they could use.
How cute are these? I might have to borrow this one if the root beer tradition ever fizzles out. :) I love the idea of useful items. Very clever! Thank you, Kelly!
And thank you for stopping by today! We love having you and inspiring you! And did I forget to mention that this whole week will be filled with sweet, simple, and doable ideas to help inspire you to say thank you to your teachers? It's true!! Be sure to stop by tomorrow for another idea! Happy day!