... someone's birthday, or boss' day, or your very own anniversary, you remember, "I am a scrapbooker! I have the supplies and the know-how to make one!"
And so you do. In just a matter of minutes, you can create a card as lovely as this.
This birthday card was created by Paula. She is really very talented. She found the perfect letter stickers for this one, with its narrow "y" and skinny "i" so that she could fit four letters on one line. And that tiny little birthday hat sticker? It's the perfect addition!
What if your bestie's baby comes early? and you don't have time to stop at the drugstore? No matter. A quick stop by your scrapping table will get you this:
Which is far better anyways. ps wouldn't your bestie feel very un-bestie if you showed up with a store bought card anyway? just sayin'...
Paula made this one, too. That tag behind is worth a good giggle on a baby card with its year, make model, serial, color, extras, and price. Heehee. Clever usage, Paula!
And that wedding for a co-worker of your husband that he forgot to add to the family calendar? No trouble.
Now, if only finding a sitter were that easy! Thank you, Paula, for this one, too.
There is never a need to be without one.
You can even make a belated seasonal card. Are you dreadful about getting to the post office on time. Or even worse, you fail to get to the store on time? And even though you are at the store just as it is opening the morning after the holiday, the cards have magically disappeared. Poof! Gone! And sadness fills you.
But then you remember, "Hey, wait! I am a scrapbooker! I don't need Hallmark to make me whole! I can make it myself!" Ooh, now that is some good magic! Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter, Halloween... totally taken care of! No matter the date on the calendar.
Paula made this one. Isn't it darling? The woodgrain is perfect and the stacked photos are delightful.
And because we are all better when we are prepared, than when we are hurrying, we leave you with this card. If you sit and make it today, you will be 24 days ahead of schedule. And that will feel nice!
It was made by Jennie McGarvey. One of our wcs friends. The layered patterns are very on trend while the design is very traditional. What a perfect blend. And a good non-gender card. Which are sometimes hard to find at the store.
We hope you will bookmark this post and use it as reference when you need some quick cards. Or for when you have some scraps to use up. Cards are perfect for that, and building you own card shop is a magnificent idea!
Happy Monday!