Let's dust off that shoebox you have stored somewhere in your home that is full of old photos. Today I challenge you to take a walk down memory lane and scrapbook a photo or two from your childhood. I LOVE looking at photos from my childhood, and despite the color cast and poor image quality, they still deserve a spot in my scrapbooks. I often don't have the exact year or much of any journaling to go with the earliest ones, but look at that little girl! That's me! It's part of my story.
So I end the week with some inspiring layouts from the collective. Let's ooh and ahh over all these cute photos of our much younger selves. Thanks for spending the week with me!
Here's me on my first birthday. I love the all the white space and the simplicity of this layout.
Nice saddle shoes! Maybe those will be the next big fashion trend? Another layout by me, Valerie.
Deb is such a pro at using numerous patterned papers on one page.
And here's another Birthday celebration. Layout by Deb Duty.
Don't forget about Halloween! Isn't Katie the cutest as the Wonder Woman! Love how she did the title on this layout.
Less is more on this layout by Kelly Jeppson about how her mom used to make most of her clothes.
Christine shares a memorable story about fourth grade. Don't let not having a photo stop you from telling a story.
A great multiple photo layout by Jennifer.
Don't forget about those sometimes awkward teenage years. Love how Diane worked the strips of paper.
This evolution of Diane's hairstyles layout is so inspiring! I wonder if I could find enough photos to try this concept?
Advice for Layouts About Your Childhood
- Don't get hung up on the details. Don't stress if you don't know how old you are or the location of the photo. Don't let anything stop you from scrapping those photos.
- Don't get hung up on picture quality. You can always try scanning the photo and making adjustments with your photo editing software.
- Do try an evolution/comparison type layout like Diane's Mane Event layout above.
- Do try telling a memorable moment without any photos.
- Do have fun creating layouts with your old photos!