Hi there! Did yesterday's post inspire you to look through your own Project Life album and see stories that needs to be recorded a little deeper or just one that needs its own scrapbook page? I hope so!
I will continue to show you a few examples on this theme today.
I turned 34 in February (and by the way I totally claimed to be 33 in March still!) and I had a few of my favorite people with me for the entire weekend.
It made it into the PL spread for that week. In there I told more the story of that weekend, but I usually make layouts each year to capture more of who I am right then.
On this layout I shared about how I thought this year was going to pretty much suck (I am going through a divorce) and that I didn't have high hopes of a happy birthday, but that life moves quickly and in happy ways sometimes :)
I think it would be awesome to make an extra insert in your PL album whenever you or a loved one celebrates a new year of life and just jot down somethings about them that tells the story of them right now!
Christine shared a page she did with inspiration from this PL spread in her album.
She says: I went to an Amy Tan class at my local scrapbook store last year on Week 21. I loved learning and scrapbooking with other women. I made a page at the class that was inspired by that love of crafting.
This is a perfect example of how the story doesn't have to be the same both in the PL and in the scrapbook page you do.
My daughter has a best friend that she has known since they were 2 years old. I printed a photo collage she made with photos of a day they spent together and quickly added a few words about that day in my PL spread. That sparked me to make a layout about their friendship.
One thought that has come up while I was writing these posts is that this has been such a good lesson for me. I feel like I have recorded memories, stories and relationships that I hadn't done before.
At one point a few years ago I said to myself, I am done. I am all caught up on scrapbooking. And while I still think that it was true at the time, I feel like I learn something all the time and my scrapbooking has changed through the years. At first I made pages and pages just to be able to have something to show. Next I did it as a kind of therapy and those pages were focused on me and our everyday life. I believe that it was during 2012 it changed for me. Changed is perhaps the wrong word, evolved is a better way of putting it. I lost both my grandparents during last year and while it was hard times, it got me thinking of all the things I would have wanted to know about them and how lucky I was to be able to hold my grandmothers hand while she passed. I went home that night and wrote everything down, the events that led up to her last breath and my feelings. I am so grateful I did. I will forever know that story because it is written down! Perhaps I would either way, but I am sure the details would fade.
Do you have stories of your childhood friends? Like detailed stories of how you met and hung out? I don´t, but I love the fact that my daughter now will.
The Project Life way to record our lives has helped me see the small everyday stories, but has also sparked some really interesting thoughts about what I (since it´s me making the spreads) choose to see as valuable to memorykeep. I, of course love both the smaller, shorter stories and the longer ones that come out of them!
Stepping down from the soapbox now ;)
Go do some memorykeeping!
Lisa O