Thank you for joining us for our week of Father's Day preparation. We hope you have been inspired to create something magical for Father's Day.
To finish our week, we wanted to leave you with some suggestions for getting a photo that you will love this year. We hear the same excuses you do concerning photos. While we might worry about the weight we have gained, our lovely husbands worry about the hair they have lost. ☺ They may shy away from the camera for myriad reasons, but we know we want them remembered, too. Here are a few thoughts.
- ask your husband or father to read a book to your kids and get a picture of them snuggled up in a chair or on their bed
- get a photo of your husband (alone or with kids) while doing his favorite activity. It's less pressure when the timing is right.
- consider photos without faces. Zoom in on an embrace, or from behind while he holds a little hand. He doesn't have to be looking into the lens for it to be a perfectly memorable photo.
- look for an everyday moment to capture--pouring milk on cereal, sitting to eat, grilling, reading, stretched out on the couch--and let it be imperfectly perfect
- hand your camera to your kids. They are unstoppable!
- lead by example. You might have to get in that photo, too!!
And once you have that photo, you need a story to go with it. Your journaling doesn't have to match the date for the photo, nor the event. Here are a few ideas for page starters.
- set a timer for 30 seconds and make a list of all the things you love about your dad
- reset the timer and make a second list of lessons you learned from your dad
- record your feelings about seeing your husband become a father. Include things you knew to expect and then a few things that surprised you.
- remember a time that your father's actions helped demonstrate the kind of man that he truly was
- finish the following sentence: When I grew up I wanted to be just like my dad in that...
Lastly, don't forget to put it all together in a layout.
Thank you for joining us this week! We hope we have helped you get ready! See you tomorrow for a gallery walk!