Hi all, and a happy Scrapbook Saturday to you.
This month's gallery was all about looking back at layouts and posts from this past year and finding inspiration to create something new. I love all the layotus created, and I loved reading about all the ways we drew inspitation from each other; For some it was the design of the layout; For others it was a technique to try; And still others found new events and moments to photograph. To help your creative process along, we have a sketch, a color combo, and a cut file, to help spark your next project. I hope you join in the fun, and if you do, be sureshare a link to some of your work!
The Sketch
This months sketch is based on my layout (*blush*):

Here's the sketch created by Diane:

You can download a layered template of the sketch here.
Marnie stayed pretty true to the sketch, as we all did. By converting all the photos to black and white, she unified the six photos visually, and they provide a lovely contrast to the bright embellishments.

LisaO kept the design pretty similar, but swapped some photos for patterned paper. The yellows on this page are so appealing-they just pop right out at ya! (Completely random fact: I used to dislike the color yellow, until I started scrapbooking. Now, I am one of yellow's biggest fans.)

It was an interesting exercise for my brain to make a layout based on my own layout. It felt a little like cheating to use the same design twice, but I cannot come up with any logical reason why it's not okay to reuse a design. Can you?

Here is this months color palette:

It is based on Celeste's layout:

Marnie used big doses of each color to create this sweet and joyous layout. Seriously, that puppy is so cute it hurts my heart a little bit.

Lisa O. used little bits of color on her white background. It's clean. It's simple. It's pretty.

I also used a white background, some bits of color, and pictures of my love, to document the fact that we need more pictures together. (Spoiler: I discovered this fact while working on my July gallery layout.) Since we just celebrated our 17th anniversary, this will be a goal for the coming year.

Cut File
Using her own layout as inspiration,

Christine created this cut file for you!

You can download it here.
Neither Lisa nor I own a silhouette, but that did not deter us from using her file as inspiration. Lisa cut out white triangles the old fashioned way, and placed them on a white background, which was perfect for this wedding layout.

I simply printed out the image onto vellum, colored in some of the shapes, and used it as patterned paper in this layout.

There you have it, ladies and...well, probably more ladies. I hope this helps get you started on some summer scrapping. If so, we'd love to see what you create!
Happy Saturday, and Happy Summer!