Tis the season for all of us parents of school aged and preschool aged children! The shopping for school supplies, the back packs, first day of school outfits that change and change again! I know some of you may already be in your 2nd month of school, but over here in Okinawa we just started on Monday and I know my East Coast cohorts don't start until next week!
One thing I always look forward to is the annual first day of school photo session with the girls whether they like it or not! I warned my now middle schooler that she has no choice, even when those too cool for mom high school years hit!
I always get the standard photo of both of them, but sadly this year there was no photo together since my oldest leaves before the youngest even thinks of getting out of bed.
Part of the back to school photo shoot I also like to include are detail photos. It's fun to look back on those photos and see book bag selections, clothes, etc.
This year there was much love professed for all things glitter Tom's shoes! I'm sure in 5 years it'll be another fad so this is definitely something I want to capture now.
My youngest also spent a good portion of Sunday evening gathering all of her key chains from last year's back pack in order to adorn this year's messenger bag too. I believe we may have added a few this year too!
Each year my girls get the annual back to school cinnamon rolls on the first day of school and this year was no different. Last year I honed in on my inner Martha Stewart and made a Pinterest inspired cinnamon roll treat.
Even if school has started it's not too late to take some of those detailed shots of favorite clothes, books, backpack paraphernalia, etc.
Happy Back To School Season!