Scrapbook Saturday is back for its final summer edition! My kids head back to school in a few short days, and I must say I am anxious to get some scrapbooking done! I've hardly had a moment to myself since May and I am looking forward to preserving our summer memories while they are fresh.
Before we move on to our scrapbook! post, I have a public service announcement. My computer has been spinning loudly for a few months now, and I keep thinking that my three months have probably gone by since my last backup hard drive experience. (I try to move photos to an external hard drive every three months just in case of hard drive failure.) I got out the drive and started moving photos, only to discover that it hadn't been three months, but 9. ACK! How did that happen??!! I forfeited one day of our three day getaway to take care of this. I had that feeling that I should. It took from 6 am to 2 am to guarantee that all my folders were moved over. I combed through each one checking that the number of files matched on each side. I went back from 2010 to the present. Week by week, month by month. Then I did the same for my digital layouts, printables, and all things important to my memory keeping.
The next day I left for vacation. And while I was gone, my computer died. The tech came yesterday and verified that the hard drive is not recoverable. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy that I took the time to back everything up. I would be a mess had I not. So perhaps today, or at least soon, you could take a minute to back up your photos, too? If you are at all like me, you will be glad, and sleep better knowing that you did! :)
Now, onto business...
The Sketch AND The Cut File
Diane and Christine collaborated again this month to bring us a sketch and a cut file. Here is the sketch:

and here is the cut file.

Diane based the sketch on Katie's layout from this month's gallery.

Here are a few layouts from our team to help give you ideas on how to make the sketch your own, and how to implement the cut file on your layouts.
Diane followed the sketch pretty closely, and added the cut file hearts below her title. I love that she tilted her photos a little to the left and a little to the right. Did you notice the Eiffel Tower behind her? Lucky ducky got to go to Paris!! I'm so glad for her, and it helped be the basis for a fantastic layout!

Sue raised her photos up just a tiny bit on her layout. And then swapped out the camera, but left the other cut elements in place. I am amazed by the multilayers of patterns and how they work! I might have been scared to put so many tiny patterns on top of one another, but now I am anxious to try it!

LisaO, happily for us, put together two layouts. The first one uses the sketch.

I love how stripped down it is. And how she shrunk down the camera element to keep the focus on the kitty!!
And for her second layout Lisa used the cut file, but not as a cut file. Not having a Silhouette didn't stop her from making a lovely layout with the heart element. Certainly her signature icon.

Here is a closeup of the layout so you can better see those hearts.

Nifty, no? I think she hand cut those hearts. Goodness, she did a good job.
Stephanie took up the challenge turning the photos on their side.

These ombre greens make my swoon. I love them so very much. And the top photo with his reflections in the water is too precious for words. You know I am a sucker for all things beachy, and, well, these photos take the cake! They are wonderful!
How about you? Would you like to play along? If so, here are the files:
download a layered sketch here
download the cut file here
As always, if you do create a layout, please leave us a comment and a link so we can see your awesome work!
This month our color palette

comes from Jina's layout from our gallery this month.

I loved the colors so very much. I couldn't imagine not trying them. But I can't quite yet as my computer's new hard drive doesn't have my digi stuff installed yet. But I want you to try one, and I will try one, and we will meet back next week to share what we made with this awesome color palette. Sound good?
As always, thank you for spending your Saturday with me! I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with pencils, erasers, and new backpacks!