Hello! Spring is here, so it is time to start snapping some spring photos. Today we have a duo sharing--Jennifer Larson from Minnesota and Amy Sorensen from Utah. The states are important because spring has been very different in each place: spring has arrived in Utah, while the Big Melt has only just begun in Minnesota. Still, spring is spring in its different forms, so let's get snapping!
Here's some ideas for getting out and photographing spring in whatever form it is in for you now:
- Texture
- Temperature
- Down low
- Up high
- Distant
- Close
- Color
- Light
- Movement
- Tell a story
Here are a few photos Amy took to show spring in Utah:
This photo illustrates texture. These are the shoots of my bleeding heart plant and I love the texture of the fronds.
Utah hasn't had much snow this year. But one of the things we can count on here is inconsistent weather. We had a cold day this week, a windy one, a couple of warm ones—and one swift little morning snowstorm. I liked the contrast between the snow and my one silly tulip; I think it "feels" like that warm/cold thing that spring does here.
It's a good thing my neighbors are used to seeing me lying around in an effort to get a good shot, because I had to sprawl on my back to get this shot—color and a low angle.
In spring, these seed pods start falling off of my sycamore. My son Kaleb and I were sitting outside talking and I decided to swoop in close to his hands taking the pod apart.
To get this shot of light shining through the old leaves on my rosebush canes, I had to get down lown again, but it was worth it!
I think this tells a good story: the tale of a slightly-grumpy (but at last riding his board again!) and very hungry teenage boy coming home from school and his little brother's excitement.
And here's some photos Jennifer took to show spring in Minnesota right now:
This shot was inspired by color and distance: the color of the sky reflected in the puddle, and the distance down the road showing the melt from snowbank to icy road to puddle.
This shot of the mailboxes was taken down low at their level, which highlights how much snow banks them. Still, the posts are showing: just like kids in Minnesota put on shorts as soon as it gets above freezing, the mailboxes are showing a little leg too, hinting that spring is on its way.
This is obviously up close, a shot of a bootprint in the slushy road. That golden color through the water is gorgeous--that means the road is almost bare!
These two shots tell a story. It's warm enough for my son to be in a sweatshirt alone, but the snow is still deep. When he kicked the ball deep into the yard, he had to trudge through thigh-deep snow to get it. Funny! (Confession: the snow isn't pretty--lots of asphalt shoveled into it after the google feet of snow we got this winter. I don't care. Spring in Minnesota is messy and dirty and damp and beautiful, because it's spring.)
And there's our photo inspiration! Whatever stage spring is at right now for you, no excuses. Get out there and let nature inspire you!