Do you take more pictures with your smart phone camera than your "big girl" camera? With the excellent quality of the camera on my phone I find I take 90% of my pictures using my iPhone. At first this bothered me. I mean, I have an amazing DSLR camera but typically only use it on vacation, for special events and to take photos of my layouts for assignments and posting to galleries. Sad, right?! Well, at first I thought so, but after thinking about it I decided I'm happy I have a phone that takes great photos. It allows me to capture real life everyday moments that I would otherwise miss and also when I travel for work and it isn't possible to take my big DSLR.
With my recent return to flying I'm happy I have my iPhone to capture the fun things I do on layovers. On my first layover in Honolulu I took over 120 photos with my iPhone. I narrowed them down to 18 of my favorite photos, did some quick edits, and put them into a folder I titled "Aloha"! Since I'm laying over there all month, I'll continue to add my favorite shots from each trip to the folder.
Here's a look at some of the albums I've created on my iPhone. So far I have 3 albums for my work travels, I'll continue to add more when I layover in other places.
Another fun thing I like to do with my iPhone when traveling is take a screen of where I am in comparison to where I live. On an iPhone this is easy to do with the Find iPhone app. Since my kiddos are on my account, it shows them at home and me where I'm laying over. Fun, right?! This will be a good picture to use in my travel journal.
I recently purchased the Fujifilm instax SHARE which allows me to print small polaroid prints while on the road or from anywhere I choose! All that is needed is the small printer, which fits easily in my suitcase, film and the instax SHARE app. The advantage to this versus an instant camera is that you not only see how your picture turns out before it is printed but you can edit it before printing too!
The film can be a little pricey so I select just my favorites that help me tell my story. Here is an assortment of what I chose to print.
Look how cute these pictures look printed on the instax SHARE!
If you use your phone for memory keeping, I'm here to tell you to not feel bad about neglecting your big DSLR or other fancy camera that you may have. The important thing is that you are taking photos and documenting your story!