Hi there! Jennifer here to talk to you a little bit about creating a mini album to document your summer. Every summer my boys and I create a summer bucket list of items we want to complete. As we check items off the list I snap a photo to document it and in turn add it to a mini album :)
Last summer we set out to with a hefty list of 100 things we wanted to accomplish. Simple things like playing with sidewalk chalk and water balloon fights and day long things like water park trips and family vacations! After 3 fun filled months we ended up checking off 50 of those 100 items! It was such an amazing summer and we made so many great memories along the way.
As we completed items I knew I wanted to put it all together into one mini album. I decided to keep the design simple, one 4x6 as well as a date, the number the item was on our summer bucket list and some journaling.
Digital templates/sketches and mini album sets really do all the design work for you, and all you have to do is add the photos and journaling and print! *Of course you could create a similar summer mini album with paper and photos or as a hybrid project.*
Here are a few tips to keep in mind before you start working on your summer mini album:
1.Start with the end in mind: Have a plan of what you want to document and a design scheme for the whole project. How many pages do you want it to be? What type of album do you want to use? Figuring out all of these things before you start will help simplify the entire process of putting the pages together!
2. Keep it simple: If you make the project too big it will never get done! Break down each page into a simple 10-15 minute task you can put together each and every night throughout the summer! Pick out the paper & embellishments you want to you and stick to those few items! Less is more when it comes to a simple mini album ;)
3. Keep a checklist: This will help to keep you on track and know what you have already accomplished and what you have yet to work on! It helps with motivation in the same way a daily to do list does :)
4. Be Flexible: If you original plan doesn seem to be working out best for you change it up! *With my mini album I decided half way through that I was going to have way too many pages. I decided then and there to throw in a few other photo sizes and less journaling on a few pages to make it all fit into a 20 page 8x8 shutterfly book!*
5. Have Fun! Make this a fun project you look forward to working on while you unwind after a long busy day! If its not fun, it wont get done. So make documenting the memories your top priority and the rest will just come together with the help of these few tips and a little time scrapbooking :D