Whether you are a paper scrapper or a digital scrapper, kits are a great way to scrap faster. They give you a variety of embellishments and papers that match; basically removing some choices from the scrapbooking process. However, in order for kits to be a good deal you have to USE them and for more than one page! My focus as a digital scrapper will be on digital kits for this post, but paper scrappers can apply some of the same principals. Oh and make your way through this post, it's sponsored by Amber LaBau of Stolen Moments Designs at the Lilypad. She is amazing! There might be a goodie and a coupon - just saying!
Complete digital kits range in price from $5-8. If you only make one page with a kit and print the page, the cost per page can be really high, almost ten dollars in some cases. When you buy a kit, you should try and maximize its use to get the most bang for your buck.
Here are some things to think about before you hit the purchase button:
1. Is the kit your style? After all these years scrapping I know what styles of kits I enjoy scrapping with. I tend to like full colorful kits with great patterns, buttons, ephemera, and interesting embellishments. i don't buy a lot of artsy kits as I have a hard time working with them. You have to buy kits that match your style!
2. Do the colors speak to you? Maybe you aren't a neon person or maybe like me there are fewer opportunities to scrap pink. Maybe you just never can get purple to work. Take these color preferences into account when you are thinking of hitting the buy button. Chances are if you struggled with neon before, it will not be easy the next time you try!
3. Consider generic instead of themed. You can always take a generic kit and add themed elements to it. A lot of times themed kits are so themed that it is hard to scrap any stories except for their intended purpose. Just something to consider if you are trying to stretch your dollar. Another way to save is to buy the themed embellishments and shop your stash for generic papers to go with them!
4. Can you think of three pages you could make with the kit? Make a quick mental list. If you can't think of three pages you could make with the kit. You might seriously want to consider passing.
The first thing I do when I open a kit is give it a quick scan to see if there are any basics in it that I may want to reuse. No one says you have to use the whole kit more than once. Some of you might tag using Lightroom, ACDSee or some other system. Tag those basics right up! As for me, I keep a folder called Basics with subfolders like buttons, flair, stitching, etc. I copy elements I think I might reuse into those folders. It makes finding things later easier and I spend the time I would be tagging scrapbooking instead.
Next, make a bigger list of pages you think you can use the kit for. Type up that list and save the list in the kit folder. You could even go one step further and put photos with the kit OR if you tag your photos you could tag them with the name of the kit! This will ensure that when you go to scrap, you will remember that you have the kit to work with and what you were thinking when you bought it.
The last step is the hardest! Challenge yourself to make as many pages as you can with the kit. If you don't want the pages close together in your book, then jump around through time and then the pages will be further apart in your books.
The lovely Amber LaBau of Stolen Moments Designs is offering all of you a coupon for 20% off in her store! Amber is an amazing designer and a digital scrapbooker too. I always find the best designers are scrapbookers themselves. They get it, they know what to include in their kits, and they tend to innovate since they know how we all love new products!
Here's a quote from Amber: "I love bold colors and patterns, full pages with lots of (and sometimes just a little) journaling. I love paints and mess, stitches, strings and pocket cards. As a mom of two young boys I don’t use too many “soft and pretty” products, but that doesn’t mean I love them any less."
Her products really reflect her love of color and pattern. A gal after my own heart! Swoon!
Another treat! One lucky person will win a $10 gift certificate to her store. Read on for more information about how to enter to win!
I figured I should challenge myself since that was the advice I was giving you. I asked Amber to sponsor because I love that her kits are so full, colorful and versatile. I knew I'd get some great patterns, a little ephemera and some interesting embellishments. I then proceeded to break my own rules and bought this very themed kit from Stolen Moments Designs called O Captain. Isn't it lovely? I couldn't help it she had me at the sequined ahoy! This kit cost $7. If I only do one page with this kit, that’s my cost per page! Yikes!
The first thing I thought of when I saw this kit was pages about our Cape Cod excursions. Then I remembered that I also had a photo of my niece driving a boat for the first time. I knew I could eke out a couple boat and water themed photos from this kit easily. I set a goal of creating four pages. I knew I wanted to do a couple pages on theme, mix the kit with another kit, and then try for one more page!
My first page used this photo from my niece. This kit couldn't be any more perfect for this photo. I really love that sparkly ahoy and the banner here! It came together quickly.
Here the only additions are that I clipped one of the ephemera in the kit to my title, then used a style to create the fun epoxy effect. The background is a real map of the area they were fishing in. I thought it added a little authenticity to the page.
I could have stayed on theme a lot longer. I have loads of fishing, beach and lake photos that I need to get in my books, but I wanted to take the challenge one step further. I thought maybe I could stretch the kit by mixing it with another. I chose to mix it with Amber’s collaboration with Little Butterfly Wings called From Scratch. I knew the reds and teal blues would play nicely together! I also thought of all that great seafood we ate on the Cape this summer!
Lobster! Perfect! The red of the lobster with this kit is just fabulous. The nautical elements go with the lobster and that pot reminds me of a lobster pot. Voila!
Then with the anchors in the kit, I thought I could do a page about my husband. He truly anchors me and I just don’t know how I’d do it all without him! The tongue photo was a gag photo for my niece, he's always willing to ham for the camera that guy.
Now my cost per page before printing is only $1.75 much more reasonable, don't you think? I will most likely break out this kit again and use it for some other pages. I think the kit will mix nicely with other nuatical themed kits in my stash as well. I need to dig in and see what I can find.
Now I challenge you to break out a kit that you've bought and haven't used. Then make a list of pages you could create using it. Then challenge yourself to make at least three pages with the kit. It's an interesting way to scrap for sure!
Okay, so you want to win a gift certificate? Simply head on over to Amber’s store Stolen Moments Designs at the Lilypad and look around. Let me know what kit you can not live without. We’ll draw a lucky winner for a ten dollar gift certificate on Saturday. Be sure to leave your name and a way to contact you! We'll post the winner right in this thread!
Keep on scrappin',
We have a winner!
Shoot me an email at celestefsmith AT gmail DOT com to claim your prize!