Welcome! I hope the day before the day before Christmas finds you happy & busy & not too stressed! This is Amy Sorensen, and I must share something:
An 80% chance of snow on Christmas day here. Especially since it's been astoundingly dry, that feels like a Christmas miracle! I'm excited for the snow and for the magic of snow on Christmas day, and it makes my anticipation even bigger. But I'm also excited for another, scrapbookery reason.
Last January, when I was sorting through my Christmas photos, I came across a picture I’d forgotten I’d taken. When we were finished opening gifts, I had to run outside to grab something out of the car, and I still had my camera around my neck, so I took this photo of my front porch:
It's not a fantastic picture, aesthetically. It's totally just a random shot, one that I almost deleted, but looking at it after Christmas made me pause for a second and notice how much is documented by that one quick click. The leaves piled up in my flowerbeds tell me I didn’t spend as much time doing yard work in the fall as I usually do. The old snow on the grass and roof let me know it was a cold December but that it hadn’t snowed for a while. Looking at my wreath reminds me that I want to make a new one (I didn’t get to it this year, either!)
I decided, right then at my computer, that I’d inadvertently started a new Christmas tradition: every year, I plan on taking a photo of my porch on Christmas day. I’ll pay more attention to composition this year, and turn on the house Christmas lights. I’m not sure what I’ll do with them—a mini album a few years into the future? Maybe just a scrapbook page about my front porch (a topic I’ve never scrapped before!), my affection for it and the memories it holds. Maybe an observation in some form I can’t imagine yet, about how things have changed and how they’ve stayed the same. I’m not sure. I do know I like the idea of this new tradition. It makes me even more excited for Christmas, because this year I'll get to photograph it with snow falling.
So tell me: do you have any annual holiday photo traditions?