This week we are ignoring all things winter and remembering how it felt to have golden sunlight bathe our skin with warmth. We thought Jody Wenke's Bikini layout from our July 2009 gallery was the perfect starting place for our summer-longing sketch.
Oh how we miss Jody and her lovely layouts. We are so grateful that she left behind such terrific layouts for sketching!
Marnie put together three layouts (!) this week. (Seriously. Three. It was love. It was Jody.)
For the first, she kept with the beach theme. And the sketch in its entirety. And she left the grey of the sketch behind, too. Apparently Marnie didn't want to mess with a good thing?
For her second layout, she stretched out the layout into a 12x12. You might notice that she combined three photos into two on the right side. And ventured away from summer photos!
The third layout is a bold change. While the elements are all there, the photos have been swapped for patterned paper, and the journaling square has been enlarged and swapped for a photo. It's a fun change and makes for a completely new and different layout!
We hope that you enjoy the sketch and find all sorts of inspiration from your visit today!