Hello everyone it's Cari here! Today I want to talk about photographing those little aspects in our lives.
When I think in my scrapbook, I think that I'm doing something for the future. Today something that seems meaningless it can become something really nice to remember in the future. I believe that I'm not doing my layouts to see it tomorrow, I making my layouts to see it in ten year and remember how my life was ten years ago.
And the same goes to photography, today unimportant things may be something really nice to remember in the future. Today I'm going to share four things I try to click every now and then.
Your view: the view from your windows always change, even if you think they don't. When I was a little girl, my parents moved to a new home at the outside of the city, with hardly no houses, today there is a school, supermarket and hundreds and hundreds of houses. There are some old photos that show how empty was the neighborhood I is so fun watching them and to see how much have it change.
Now I live in an apartment in the middle of the city and just in front my window, a new building is being made. I took this photo just before they start the construction and I know It's going to be fun to see this once the building is done.
Your plants: I have to face it... my plants always died, I love them so much and I took really good care of them, but then all of the sudden they die. Yes... even my succulents die =(
Your Supplies: We change a lot what we use, we change our phones, our computers, our planners. It's fun to remember how gigantic was your phone or simply how they look.
You: Even if we don't want, we change and we need to be in front of the photos sometimes to make memories of ourselves.
Do you take photos to those little things? If you have something else to share please leave it on the comments so I can add it to my list!