Hello! It's Aliza again, sharing what I hope is some inspiration for using text messages in your projects
This first layout is from 2014. I haven't really looked at it in a while, and I am admiring it all over again. (Not very humble of me.) It includes a text between me and my son, and the journaling is about how I feel about texting with him. (I love it.) I find talking on the phone a mild form of torture. And by mild, I actually mean severe. So for me, texting is like sitting on the beach with a slightly alcoholic beverage. Which is something I have never done, but it seems like it would feel relaxing and peaceful.
My next project is from just a few weeks ago. This is my first year doing Project Life for any significant period of time. God bless that app, let me tell you. I find that Project Life is a great place to keep little snippets of conversation that happen via text. On this page, there's a text that captures a bit of our humor, and in another, my son and I make up after an argument. I love that I have that little moment recorded, and I don't think I would have created an entire layout about it. So it makes me happy that is has a home here.
Come back again tomorrow when I share a brand new layout using text messages. I did not intend it at all, but it almost feels like a continuation of my 2014 layout that I shared here. But you'll have to come back to get the whole scoop!
If you have any projects to share, you can link up on Instagram. #wcsmarchchallenge #scrapyourtexts