Welcome to our Scrapolympic celebrations! It is week two of Olympic fervor around the world, and we are so happy to bring back our own Scrapolympics. For what is better to do than scrapbooking whilst watching our favorite sports heroes have a moment of joy.
This year, we will be celebrating with 5 different events, one daily. Like last time, each day will will describe the actual Olympic event, and then we will introduce the write. click. scrapbook. twist to each of the events, showcasing the talents of our own talented athletes, or designers!
The Olympics are a time of unity, celebration, and awe. Seeing athletes succeed after years of dedicated training inspires us to do better. We find parallels to our own craft, as we learn and grow in what we do, we perform better and faster. As the old saying goes, imitation is the best form of flattery. So we imitate their hours spent by spending our own countless hours crafting pages. We imitate their skill honing by learning and studying design, photography, and color theory. We aim for success, just as they do.
Let's get started on our fun fun week of Scrapolympics. We look forward to increasing our Olympic knowledge and creating some amazing layouts together this week.
Our opening event is the sprint. In the summer olympics, there are many kinds of sprints: the canoe sprint, women's cycling sprint, men's cycling sprint, women's team cycling sprint, and men's team cycling sprint.
The canoe sprint is the least well known to our team. This is what the Rio page has to say:
Competitors race on flat water in kayaks or canoes in this sport, which made its Olympic debut at the Berlin 1936 Games. Twelve gold medals – eight for men and four for women – are up for grabs on Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas.::source::
And while the short distance swims and runs are specifically listed as sprints, we think you will agree with us that they qualify for the theme.
For our sprint today, we will be creating pages as fast as we can.
Sharpen your trimmers, pick out your supplies, dress in your most comfortable scrapbooking gear, and get ready. Take a very deep breath. Focus. And go!
Today, representing Writeclickscrapbookland we have Team Quick & Speedy consisting of Lisa Borbély , and Marnie Flores.
Our sprint team is excited to race for the finish line in record time. On your marks, get set, let's go!
Writeclickscrapbookland is thrilled to have Lisa representing them on their sprinting team as she is masterful at creating simply stunning pages. She was happy to join the quick and speedy team to be able to to inspire you to make a quick page, too.
Here is some advice from our expert sprinter, Lisa.
I am a fast scrapper so for me this wasn't a big challenge. But I wanted to show you a few tips on how a page can come together in 30 minutes or under. First, I usually have my title and story when I start a page. Often I print the title from my computer first as I did on this page. I also mostly have my design figured out fairly quickly and for this I often use an old design from myself. We all have layouts that we really love and I re-use the same design all the time. Another tip for a quick page is to keep to one color scheme, then it all goes together without much effort! As you can see I have done some embellishment on this page, so it doesn't have to be bare just because it's fast.
Lisa, not only is your page on point but we love the little panda napkins in the background. And we are wondering what time dinner is... that food looks delicious!
In the qualification round, Marnie did well. Returning to her tried and true format of horizontal 11x8.5, and making use of one of her favorite product lines, her layout came together in record time.
Here is some advice from our second sprinter, Marnie.
My pages are usually quite plain, but don't mistake that for fast. Fast comes for me when I have a photo I love that has a story behind it, ready to be told. I am also best sprinting in my favorites. Favorite style, favorite products, favorite fonts, favorite comfy clothes. Distracted scrapbooking is molasses scrapbooking.
Marnie, your page is delicate and soft--though we think you should feed that cute dog!
However, Marnie ran into trouble in the finals.
Sigh. In the finals, time was not on her side. First, her photo dimensions felt off, so she had to resize the photo. Then, she did not like the paper she had selected to go along with her layout and had to go shopping. We all know that there is no sprinting in scrapbook shopping. She had run overtime for so long that she fell asleep mid-event. Egad! Writeclickscrapbookland applauds her for finishing but is headshaking that she fell asleep mid-sprint. Usain would never do such a thing. Ever. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.
Which brings us to the end of day one. Please join us in our week filled with fun and laughter. Gold medal excellence and rainbow ribbons for effort. We applaud them all.
We look forward to seeing your Sprint pages.
Until tomorrow...