It gets an exclamation mark when there is a two page layout involved! We all know they are not only not my specialty but also something with which I struggle. The real estate is immense, and it can cause quite a freeze! However, when I looked through my photos, it was clear that there were two distinct groupings, which meant that a two page layout was going to be best. So before any panic set it, I quickly decided to make a mirrored image single layout! Crisis averted!
Here is page one.
And page two.
You can see that they are really the same layouts twice. I did put the people photos into black and white to let the colors of the food photos shine. I may take away the bling on the left corner once I stare at them as a whole. Speaking of which, here they are together....
I really love how this turned out and am not ashamed to say I may preplan my photos for tomorrow to align with a similar layout for this year!
Happies Thanksgiving to all of you! I hope your day of preparations goes smoothly!