<a href=""><img src=""></a>
Message Board Code
<a href=""><img src=""/></a>
Message Board Code
Directions for installing Blinkies....
- From your dashboard click "Layout" on the blog which you want to add the blinkie.
- Click "Add a Gadget"
- This will redirect you to a list of available side-bar additions. In the list choose "HTML/JavaScript"
- A new page will appear with a space for title and for content. You may add a title, but it will appear above the blinkie on your blog. If you leave the title area blank it will not be visible on your blog.
- Copy the code for the desired blinkie from above by highlighting it and hitting ctrl+c on your keyboard. Paste it into the "Content" box by hitting ctrl+v on your keyboard.
- Click "save". It will now appear at the top of your sidebar. If you added a title it will be labeled with that title. If you let the title field blank it will be labeled "html/javascript" in your dashboard, but that label will not be visible on your blog. Click and hold the button down to drag it to a different location in your side bar.
- Click "Design" tab on top toolbar.
- Choose "Content" from menu.
- Under the "Modules" tab click to highlight the option called "Embed Your Own HTML".
- Click "Add this module"
- A pop-up window will appear with a box titled "Label" where you can type in any name that helps you remember the blinkie you are installing. The name you choose will not be displayed on your blog.
- After adding your title, copy the code for the desired blinkie from above by highlighting it and hitting ctrl+c on your keyboard. Paste it into the section of the pop-up window under HTML by hitting ctrl+v on your keyboard.
- Click "save". It will now appear at the top of your sidebar. Click and hold the button down to drag it to a different location in your side bar.
- From you dashboard click "Appearance" in the left hand menu. A drop down menu will appear. Click "Widgets".
- On the right hand of the page you will see a drop down menu under "Current Widgets". Choose "sidebar 1" of "sidebar 2" depending on your preference.
- Locate the “Text” widget and click the “Add” link. It will move to your list of Current Widgets. Click the “Edit” link on your Text widget and it will open up to show a box where you can add your code.
- Copy the code for the desired blinkie from above by highlighting it and hitting ctrl+c on your keyboard. Paste it into the box by hitting ctrl+v on your keyboard.
- Click "save". Click the “Done” button and your widget window will close, taking you back to the list. Click and hold the button down to drag it to a different location in your side bar.
- Click "Edit Signature".
- Copy the BB code for the desired blinkie from above by highlighting it and hitting ctrl+c on your keyboard. Paste it into the box by hitting ctrl+v on your keyboard. Note: Message Board Codes will start with [img] instead of <.
- Click "save".