Generally I feel as if I am 30 something, although in reality I am 40 something. I refuse to let my age slow me down so when I hit my 40's I adopted the motto "40 is the new 30" to keep me moving and young at heart.
My favorite book is one that is on CD. I have always loved reading but don't have a lot of spare time to read so I check out books on CD from my local library and listen to them driving to and from work. My favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption. I don't really have a favorite song but I love anything that is upbeat.
During my life, I have lived in Illinois, California and Texas with a couple short stops in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.
One of the most defining moments of my life is when I became a mom. They have been the most challenging, yet best years of my life.
My camera is a Canon 7D and my favorite lens is a 50mm 1.4 although my iPhone is quickly becoming my most used camera.
When I scrapbook, I must have background noise, my sewing machine and my 1930's Underwood typewriter.
Though I began scrapbooking in 1997, I didn't find my groove until 2009 when I joined a kit club and became active in online scrapbooking communities.
My favorite scrapbooking colors are bright, happy colors, which is completely the opposite of what I used before I found my groove in 2009.
You might notice that I scrapbook vintage and childhood photos as often as current day photos.
Diane is a wife of 22 years, mother to two wonderful teenagers, a full-time curriculum designer by day, and a scrapbooker by night. She loves mixing the old with the new in both her home decor and scrapbooking projects. She is currently obsessed with Pinterest, iPhone camera apps, and vintage photos. Her work has been published in Creating Keepsakes and Scrapbook Trends magazine. She currently designs for Got Sketch, Vintage Street Market, and is a recurring guest designer for Bella Blvd.
Click here to see Diane's monthly galley layouts.
Click here to see Diane's blog posts and contributions.
For more on Diane and her optimistic outlook, please visit her blog.