Hello! Are you enjoying our daily posts so far? I personally have added a few extra projects to my list based on what everyone else has shared. Today I want to talk about my approach to December Daily this year. I love the idea of the December Daily project, but even though I have attempted one since 2008 (or maybe it was 2007?) I have never completed one. I am horribly bad at keeping up with daily projects; I think I am missing the gene for that kind of thing. Because of our recent move, and a couple unplanned trips, I didn't have the time to pre-make my album this year. And honestly? I think part of the reason I have failed at the project is because that empty book scares me. All those pages to fill! Am I the only one?
At the very last moment I decided I wanted to try again, partly because this year Kieran is old enough to understand and take part in all the Christmas festivities. So I came up with a low stress idea - forget about pre-making the album and just do a daily tag. I decided I would combine the December Daily with an Advent Calendar, and hang each day's tag on twine, like an inspiration wire. Sounds good, no?
Sadly that was before I realised that my printer was totally on the blink. Enter my even less stress idea: December Daily online. Each day I will simply upload the days photo(s) to Flickr and Facebook and include the journaling. I found a layered template for two photos, and I choose two photos from each day, add to the template and that's it. Here are some of my favourite days so far
December 1 - Today was a gorgeous day out, it was probably close to 15 degrees Celsius and sunny. I decided that it would be the perfect day to plant the last of the bulbs I got (some yellow crocus). You were very happy to go outside: when I suggested it you nodded your head and said "yah yah!". You were even happier when I pointed out that you could wear your boots!
You were a great little helper, dropping the bulbs in after I dug the holes. Then you spied the bubble solution that was still out from summer and ran and brought it to me saying "Bubbles?". So our spot of gardening ended with a bubble blowing session!
December 3rd - You and Papa had a jamming music session this morning. Guitar, flutes and even the saxophone. We love that you like music so much, and will sing to yourself when playing.
Today we also got our Christmas tree, but I forgot to walk with the camera! We got our usual Ikea tree, a nice tall one this year since we have the room for it
December 6th - You were home with me this morning and we did a bunch of colouring in your Jungle Book oversized colouring book. Now that my scrap room is clear of boxes it means that we can spend more time in there working on arts and crafts. You love sitting at your little table (and insist that I sit on a tiny chair too) - but you were also happy to be able to spread out on the floor.
In the afternoon while you were at playschool I went shopping for gifts and craft supplies, and planned out the holiday projects we would work on later in the week.
December 10th - Right after breakfast we finished up the tree. You really enjoyed helping me, and you loved unwrapping the ornaments and saying "wow!" at each one. Then you would point out where on the tree you wanted me to put them. You also insisted that we hang the stockings on the tree, and so we have a tree with a funky quirky twist! That afternoon we went to the local Christmas market and you met Santa Claus (actually I guess he was Pere Noel). You happily accepted the chocolate he gave you, and he was happy to let Mummy get some photos.
At this point I will confess that this year is the furthest I've ever gotten with a December Daily project. I have up to the 11th documented! You can follow the rest of my online project on Flickr or on Facebook.
We did get a new printer over the weekend, but I am going to continue with the online version. The lack of stress makes it so worthwhile. Once the holidays are over, I will either print out the photos to make a paper album, or I might just have them printed into a photo book.
Oh and there was one day when I took no photos because we were sick. This was my solution
What do you think about this online idea? If you've been taking photos all month, but have done nothing with them, maybe you can try an online version like I did! You can upload them to an online album, or share them on your blog if you have one. One of the best things about this too, is that my family and friends far away can follow along with us this month!
Happy Holiday documenting!